Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Arafah memiliki nilai sejarah yang sangat penting bagi umat Islam. Sebab, di tempat inilah, Rasulullah SAW menerima wahyu dari Allah SWT tentang kesempurnaan agama Islam (QS. Al-Maidah [5]: 3). Menurut sejumlah pendapat, itulah wahyu terakhir.
Arafat means know or knew. This is in place, especially the pilgrims from all over the world, annually meet to carry out one of the pillars of hajj, namely in the fields wukuf Arafat.
Arafat has a very important historical value for Muslims. Because, in this place, the Prophet Muhammad received revelations from Allah about the perfection of Islam (Al-Maidah [5]: 3). According to some opinions, that's last revelation.
There are some narrations that mention that the angels warned Adam and Eve, after they descended to earth (to place). This is so that they recognize (know; 'Arafah) for his sins and beg forgiveness of Allah SWT. Kemudiah Adam and Eve already knew (Arafa) will be mistakes and sins. They were also told (yu'rafu) means repent.
There is also another story that says, when Jibril Ibrahim members know how to perform the pilgrimage at this place. Gabriel said: "Arafta (did you know?), Ya Ibrahim," Ibrahim replied: "Araftu (I know)."
Based on this information, Arafat is a human attempt to recognize the Lord. Humans came to the place to beg for forgiveness for all sins and confess with great humility.
And in this place also, all the pilgrims perform wukuf (silent), as one of the pillars of the hajj. Rasulullah SAW said: "Al-Hajju 'Arafah' (Hajj is Arafah). Unauthorized pilgrimage someone, if not carrying out the field wukuf Arafat, including the sick even once during the pilgrimage.
In this place and time of the hajj (wukuf), all humans have equal footing before God.No title, rank, position, rich, poor, upper class or lower. Everything is equal before Allah, and piety only to distinguish them. They were the same clothes and uniforms, there is no difference between rich and poor, high or low his rank. There is no sense of smug and arrogant. All humble ourselves, expect divine forgiveness.
Primacy of Arafat as the Prophet Muhammad, which means: "Prayer is the most Afdhal (main) is prayer in the day of Arafah." In another narration, the Prophet said: "No day is the most God determines the release of his servant from hell, except the day of Arafah."
After wukuf, then proceed to Mina about 5 kilometers (km) to throw Jumrah. Then Thawaf ifadhah in Makkah, Sai (jogging) and tahallul (cutting hair). Pilgrimage procession was over. They came home with a female pilgrim to Mecca called the hajj and received (Mabrur).
That said, this place also later, during the Day of Judgement the whole of mankind will be collected, namely in Padang Mahsyar. They will be accountable for his actions before God Almighty for everything he does for the world. Wa Allah knows best.

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