Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The discovery of Noah's Ship Wreck in Mount Ararat Turkey (Penemuan Bangkai Nabi Nuh)

Gunung Ararat Turki tempat Penemuan Bangkai Kapal Nabi Nuh

Para ahli arkeologi menemukan sebuah tempat yang diperkirakan sebagai bangkai kapal Nabi Nuh.

Bagi umat Islam yang pernah membaca sejarah 25 Nabi dan Rasul, pastinya mengetahui tentang kisah Nabi Nuh AS. Ia diutus oleh Allah SWT untuk mengajak kaumnya menyembah Allah SWT. Dan, selama lebih kurang 950 tahun, Nabi Nuh berdakwah kepada tiga generasi dari kaumnya. Dalam waktu yang panjang itu, Nabi Nuh AS hanya mendapatkan pengikut sebanyak 70 orang dan delapan anggota keluarganya.

Dalam Kisah, Nuh diperintahkan untuk membuat sebuah kapal sebagai persiapan bila siksa Allah berupa banjir telah datang. Nuh mengajak kaumnya untuk naik ke kapal dan hanya sedikit yang percaya kepada Nuh.  

Setelah beberapa lama berlayar di atas lautan banjir, air pun menjadi surut.

Dan ketika banjir telah reda dan air telah surut, kapal Nabi Nuh kemudian terdampar (berlabuh) di sebuah bukit tinggi (al Judy). Peristiwa ini secara lengkap terdapat dalam Al Qur’an surah Nuh [71]: 1-28, Hud [11]: 25-33, 40-48, dan 89.

“Dan difirmankan: “Hai bumi telanlah airmu, dan hai langit (hujan) berhentilah,” dan air pun disurutkan, perintah pun diselesaikan dan bahtera itu berlabuh di atas bukit (judy) dan dikatakan: “Binasalah orang-orang yang zalim”. (QS. Hud [11]: 40)
Peristiwa banjir besar yang melanda umat Nabi Nuh ini, tidak hanya terdapat dalam AlQur’an, tetapi juga dalam agama dan kebudayaan negeri lainnya. Dalam Bible (Injil), kisah serupa juga terdapat dalam Genesis 6: 15, 7: 4-7, 8: 3-4, dan 8: 29. Begitu pula, dalam Mitologi Sumeria, Akkadia, Babilonia, serta kebudayaan India, Wales, Lithuania, dan Cina.

Peristiwa banjir yang menenggelamkan umat Nabi Nuh itu, kini telah merebak ke seantero dunia. Para peneliti arkeologi, berlomba-lomba mengungkap kebenaran cerita itu dengan meneliti tempat berlabuhnya kapal Nuh tersebut.

Pemerintah Turki mengklaim, bahwa setelah lebih dari 5000 tahun terpendam, bangkai kapal Nuh tersebut ditemukan pada 11 Agustus 1979 di wilayahnya. Bahkan, situs ini telah dibuka untuk umum dan menjadi objek wisata. Pemerintah Iran juga melakukan penyelidikan di Gunung Sabalan, 300 km dari situs pertama.

Dari beberapa foto-foto yang dihasilkan, lokasi gunung Ararat itu memang menunjukkan adanya sebuah perahu yang sangat besar. Ukuran perahu itu, diperkirakan memiliki luas 7.546 kaki dengan panjang sekitar 500 kaki, lebar 83 kaki dan tinggi 50 kaki. Dalam situs www.worldwide juga dibahas secara lebih mendetil, mulai dari ukuran perahu, hewan yang naik ke kapal, bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat perahu, dan lain sebagainya.

Menurut Dr Whitcomb, dalam perahu itu terdapat sekitar 3.700 binatang mamalia, 8.600 jenis burung, 6.300 jenis reptilian, 2.500 jenis amfibi, dan sisanya umat Nabi Nuh. Adapun berat perahu itu diprediksikan mencapai 24.300 ton.
Kebenaran penemuan itu, masih diperdebatkan banyak pihak. Namun, sejumlah peneliti percaya, bahwa pegunungan Ararat adalah tempat berlabuhnya kapal Nuh. AlQur’an tidak menyebutkan nama sebuah gunung kecuali nama al-Judy, yang bermakna sebuah tempat yang tinggi.

Archeologists found a place that is estimated as the wreck of Noah.For Muslims who have read the history of the 25 prophets and messengers, certainly know about the story of Noah. He was sent by God to bring his people to worship Allah. And, for about 950 years, Noah preached to the three generations of his kind. For a long period, the Prophet Noah just get as many followers 70 people and eight members of his family.In fact, Noah had been preaching day and night, but his people did not also willing to accept its presence as a messenger (apostle) of God Almighty. Until the end. He pleaded with God, so that his people who like to rebel was given a warning that they would worship God. Her prayer was granted by Allah SWT. He was ordered to make a ship in preparation for a flood when the punishment of God has come. Noah was ordered to include various species of animals in pairs, both wild and tame into the ship.So, after everything was ready, the followers of Prophet Noah and the animals had been on the Ship, the rain descended, the very bees resulting in major flooding. Apart from those who were on board, no one survived the flood. After some time sailing on a sea flood, water was to be receding.And when the flood has subsided and the water had receded, Noah's Ark and then stranded (anchored) on a high hill (al Judy). This event is fully contained in the Qur'an Surah Nuh [71]: 1-28, Hud [11]: 25-33, 40-48, and 89."And spoken:" O earth swallow thy water and O sky (rain) stop, "and water is receding because of His, the order was completed and the ship was anchored at the top of the hill (Judy) and said:" Woe to those who do wrong ". (Surah Hud [11]: 40)A similar story is also contained in various other chapters in the Koran, such as Al-Ankabut [29]: 14-15, Al Mu'minun [23]: 23-41, ash-Syuara [26]: 105-122, Al- A'raf [7]: 59-69, and Jonah [10]: 71-74.

Major flooding events that struck the people of Noah, not only in Qur'an, but also in religion and culture of other country. In the Bible (the Gospel), there is also a similar story in Genesis 6: 15, 7: 4-7, 8: 3-4, and 8: 29. Similarly, in Sumerian mythology, Akkadian, Babylonian, and the culture of India, Wales, Lithuania, and China.Flood events are drowning Noah's people, has now spread all over the world. The researchers archeology, vying with uncovering the truth of the story examines the place of Noah's ark berlabuhnya.A Dutch citizen, Johan Huibers, making replicas of Prophet Noah's ship a few years ago. Even though it was the taste it "crazy", he continued the project. The project is claimed as proof of his faith in God's faithfulness and His teachings.Huibers not only inspired by the story of Noah. But, the story of the ark (boat) berates year Noah has become an inspiration and conversation among the laity, archaeologists, and historians the world. Until they try to find a corpse or the remains of Noah's boat.Reportedly, some researchers have found valid evidence of the existence of Noah's vessel. Through research over berates-hundred years and observe the results of satellite photos, one of the sites relics believed to be the trace of the vessel is located in the mountains of Ararat, Turkey near the Iranian border.The Turkish government claimed, that after more than 5000 years of pent-up, Noah wreck was discovered on August 11, 1979 in the region. In fact, this site has been opened to the public and become a tourist attraction. The Iranian government also conducted investigations at Mount Sabalan, 300 km from the site first.As seen from the photographs alerts site, the location of Mount Ararat, Turkey, seems a giant symmetrical shape like a boat basin. Allegedly soil, dust, and volcanic rocks have different ages, has entered into a boat for thousands of years so compacted and formed like a boat. In the vicinity was also found that the anchor stones, the ruins of former settlements, and the carving of the stone.Utilizing Google Earth satellite maps, site location Noah's boat was located at an altitude of about 2515 meters above sea level. The location is in the foothills of the rather flat. Whereas in the surrounding area there is still a giant valley which has a much lower altitude.Based on this, Noah's boat is expected to land at the time of the flood is still not completely subsided. It also suggests that the topography around the site of Noah's boat is very supportive for the occurrence of large floods.The existence of Noah's Ark in the mountains of Ararat was believed by investigators as the archaeological discovery of the stormiest in the world, besides Pharaoh's mummy. Therefore, the research has been done hundreds of times by involving experts and geologists, archaeologists and spacecraft to monitor and photograph the mountains of Ararat. And 'discovery' was considered the most excited and very valuable, because it happened more than 5000 years ago.In the vicinity of the object, also found a large stone with a hole carved. The researchers believe that the stone was drogue-stones.In ancient times, stones are usually used in the latter part of the boat (the wheel) to stabilize the boat. The researchers also found something unusual in the rock, namely the existence of a molecule of steel which has an estimated age thousands of years ago and made by human hands. Therefore, they believe, are the traces of the landing place of Noah boat.

From some of the photographs produced, the location of Mount Ararat did show the existence of a very large boat. The size of the boat, estimated to have an area approximately 7546 feet by 500 feet long, 83 feet wide and 50 feet high. In sites are also discussed in more detail, ranging from the size of boats, animals boarded the ship, the materials needed to make a boat, and so forth.Baidawi, one Muslim researchers explain, the size of the ship was about 300 cubits (about 50 meters long and 30 meters wide) and consists of three levels. At the first level is placed and the wild animals that have been tamed. Then, at the level of second-placed man, and the third the birds.There is also the opinion, the ship of Noah was sized larger than a football field. Wide on the inside enough to accommodate hundreds of thousands of people. And the distance from one level to another level as high as 12 down to 13 feet. And animals of various species numbers are estimated in the tens of thousands.According to Dr. Whitcomb, in the boat there were about 3,700 mammals, 8600 species of birds, 6300 types of reptiles, 2,500 species of amphibians, and the rest of the people of Noah. The weight of the boat was predicted to reach 24,300 tons.According to some studies, Noah's boat was estimated to be around the year 3465 BC. And some scholars argue, the Prophet Noah's boat was built at a place called Shuruppak, which is a region located in southern Iraq. If the boat was built in southern Iraq (where Noah sent out) and ended up in Northern Turkey, most likely the ark had been carried as far as the water flows approximately 560 km.The discovery of truth, is still debated by many parties. However, some researchers believe, that the mountains of Ararat is where Noah's ship anchored. Qur'an does not mention the name of a mountain except the name of al-Judy, which means a high place.Mountain known as Mount Ararat in Turkey unique. Its uniqueness, almost every day will be a rainbow is seen from the north of the mountain top.In Turkey, the mountains of Ararat is known also as one who has a mountain peak in the world's largest and highest in Turkey. The highest peak reaching 16,984 feet above sea level, whereas the small peaks as high as 12,806 feet.According to experts, if someone managed to conquer the peak magnitude, they will see the four state region, namely Russia, Iran, Iraq, and Turkey 

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Prophet Idris (Track the author First Impressions with Pen)

Prophet Idris
Track the author First Impressions with Pen

Nabi Idris
Melacak Jejak Penulis Pertama dengan Pena

Al-Maghluts menyebutkan, Idris hidup sekitar tahun 4533-4188 Sebelum Masehi (SM). Usianya diperkirakan sekitar 345 tahun. Ada pula yang menyebutkan, usianya 308 tahun. Hal ini juga disebutkan oleh Ibnu Katsir dalam Qishash al-Anbiya’ yang mengutip keterangan dari Ibnu Ishaq.
Ibnu Ishaq menerangkan, Idris adalah manusia pertama yang menulis dengan pena. Rasul SAW bersabda; “Dahulu, ada seorang nabi yang menulis dengannya (maksudnya menulis di atas pasir). Barang siapa yang sejalan dengan tulisannya, demikian itulah (tulisannya).”
Sebagian riwayat menyebutkan, Nabi Idris-lah yang dimaksud dalam hadits yang diriwayatkan muslim dari Mu’awiyah bin Al-Hakam As-Sulami tersebut.

At the time, man has spoken in 72 languages. He likes writing, drawing development of cities which amounted to 188 cities.

"And, tell (O Muhammad to them, the story) Idris (who is) in the Qur'an. Indeed, he is a very correct and a prophet. And We raised him to that high dignity. "(Surah Maryam [19]: 56-57).

"And (remember) Isma'il, Idris, and Zulkifli. They all include people who are impatient.We have incorporated them into Our mercy. Indeed, they include people who are pious. "(Surat al-Anbiya '[21]: 85-86).

Prophet Idris Alaihissalam (AS) is a prophet sent by God to his people. According to some versions, as quoted in Sami bin Abdullah Al-Maghluts, in his book Historical Atlas of the prophets and messengers, Idris was sent to the house of the Prophet Syits or descendants of Qabil, the son of Prophet Adam, in the territory of ancient Iraq.

Afif Abdul Fatah in his book Prophets in the Koran, quoting a description of the clergy, said Idris was born in Munaf (Memphis), Egypt, and then broadcast preaching the religion of Allah until the region of ancient Iraq. Another group argues, Idris was born and raised in Babylon.

Al-Maghluts mention, Idris, lived circa 4533-4188 BCE (BCE). He was estimated to be about 345 years. There is a mention, he was 308 years old. It is also mentioned by Ibn Kathir in Qisas al-Anbiya 'which quoted from Ibn Ishaq.

Prophet Idris AS is recognized by many scholars and commentators, was a prophet who has many privileges. Privileges include the ability to write, draw, sew, mastering astronomy, and so forth.

In the book Tarikh al-Hukama, stated that Idris named Hurmus Al-Haramisah. Its name comes from the Greek, Armia. Then, termed the Arabic language, Hurmus.Hurmus named because he was an expert in astrology. And called Idris, for his clever writing and love to learn (daras).

According to the Hebrew, his name is Khunukh or termed in Arabic a Akhnukh. This explanation is contained in his book Al-Maghluts, Ibn Kathir, Afif Abdul Fatah, Ahmad Bahjat (History of the Prophets in the Qur'an) and others.

According to Ibn Kathir, Prophet Idris was path nasab Prophet Muhammad. Al-Maghluts mention, his name is Idris (Akhnukh) the son of Jared bin Mahalail (Mahalalel) the son of
Qainan the son of Anusy the son of Syits the son of Adam AS.

In the Qur'an, his name is called Idris, because Allah glorify Him as a messenger who has the versatility in the field of science and study hard (daras). God gave it 30 Manuscripts (shuhuf) in preparation to teach his people.

Al-Maghluts stated, in his time, man has spoken in 72 languages. When he was preaching to his people, Idris has been drawing the development of cities so that the city built in his time as many as 188 cities.

And, the Prophet Idris also divides the region of the earth into four parts and assign each part of a king. The names of the king was Elaus, Zous, Esqlebeos, and Zous Ammon.

Ibn Ishaq explains, Idris was the first man to write with a pen. Rasulullah SAW said: "Previously, there was a prophet who wrote to him (meaning the writing on the sand).Whoever is in line with his writings, so that (writing). "

Some history mentions, Prophet Idris was the one mentioned in the hadith narrated byMuslim from Mu'awiya ibn Al-Hakam Al-Sulami it.

Pencraft owned Prophet Idris AS in line with the hadeeth of the Prophet narrated byImam Ahmad in Musnad Ahmad that states, "Being the first time God created was the pen. Then He said to the pen, the 'Write'. So, at that time, shall apply all that set until the end of Doomsday. "(See Musnad Ahmad RA).

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Habil and Qabil (the story of two sons of Prophet Adam)

“Semua anak Adam dilahirkan secara kembar dampit; laki-laki dan perempuan. Beliau kemudian menikahkan anak laki-laki pertama secara menyilang dengan ank perempuan kedua. Beliau memiliki dua anak laki-laki bernama Qabil dan Habil. Qabil merupakan anak laki-laki pertama yang lahir bersama Zar’a (ada yang menyebutnya kembaran Qabil bernama Iklima), dan Habil anak kedua yang lahir bersama dengan Dhar (ada yang menyebutnya Labuda). Saudara kembar Qabil memiliki paras yang lebih cantik dibandingkan dengan saudara kembar Habil.”

According to Sami bin Abdullah Al-Maghluts, citing Imam Tabari in "Tarikh al-Umam wa al-Mulk", explains; Abu Malik narrated from Abu Salih, from Ibn Abbas, of Murrah al-Hamdani, from Ibn Mas'ud
, from the Companions of the Prophet who said:

"All children are born as twins Adam Dampit; men and women. He later married the first boy to cross with the second daughter. He has two sons named Qabil and Habil.Qabil was the first boy born with Zar'a (some call it a twin named Qabil Iklima), and second son Habil, who was born along with Dhar (some call Labuda). Qabil has a twin brother who looks prettier than the twin brother Habil. "

Prophet Adam and Qabil to marry Habil's twin, and vice versa. But Qabil refused, because she was older than Habil and her twin were born together with him. "She was my sister who was born with me. She was prettier than your sister. I have more right to marry, "said Qabil.

Both were then asked to make sacrifices as offerings to the Creator. Who is the victim received, then he will marry his brother Qabil. Qabil made an offering of his garden a bad outcome, whereas Habil takes a fat sheep as a sacrifice. Finally God accept Habil sacrifice.

This, upset Qabil. So he looked for a way to kill Habil. At that time, Adam had gone to Mecca. Before leaving, Adam asked the sky to keep his family. "Take care of my son very well." But the heavens reject it.

Adam then says to the earth, but earth was rejected. Adam asked the mountain.Same with the heavens and the earth, the mountain had refused the request of Adam.Finally, Adam said to Qabil, and Qabil promised to guard it. Then, it happened that Qabil killed Habil murder.

Qabil and Habil left the corpse in the open. Because, he does not know how to bury her. Allah then sent two brothers crow tail. Both are fighting each other, until one of them died. The crow then dig the soil with its beak and crows bury the dead. When Qabil saw that, he said: "Alas, why am I not able to do as this raven, so I can bury the corpse of my brother." (Surat al Maidah [5]: 31)

Adam came home and found one of his sons had died because of killed by his own son.

"Surely We offered the trust to the heavens, the earth and the mountains, but they refused to undertake it, being afraid, and dipikullah mandate it by humans. Behold, the man most wrongdoers and very stupid. "(Qur'an Adzab [33]: 72).

He is Qabil, humans are not trustworthy in fulfilling the mandate Prophet Adam to keep his family. Thus the statement of Imam Tabari in al-Tarikh wa al-Mulk Umam, Volume I, page 13.


diungkapkan Syauqi Abu Khalil dalam bukunya "Athlas Al-Qur’an". Syauqi menjelaskan, pembunuhan Habil terjadi di Makkah. Inilah pendapat yang paling kuat. Sedangkan Qabil, setelah membunuh Habil, ia pergi melarikan diri ke daerah Yaman. Demikian diterangkan Ath-Thabari dalam Qishash al-Anbiya. “Qabil melarikan diri dari ayahnya (Adam) dan menuju ke daerah Yaman.”

Adapun Adam, menurut sebagian riwayat ia hidup hingga berusia 1000 tahun. Riwayat lainnya menyebutkan, usianya antara 950-1000 tahun. Dan jarak antara Adam dengan Nuh juga 1000 tahun atau 10 abad. Demikian keterangan Ibnu Katsir dalam kitabnya Al-Bidayah wa an-Nihayah. Ibnu Katsir menjelaskan, ada seseorang bertanya; “Ya Rasulullah, apakah Adam seorang nabi?” Rasul SAW menjawab, “Ya, nabi yang diberikan wahyu.” Orang itu kembali bertanya; “Berapa lama rentang waktu antara Adam dan Nuh?” Nabi SAW menjawab; “Sepuluh abad.” (HR. Muslim).

Described by Sami bin Abdullah al Maghluts, murders committed by his brother Qabil in self-named Habil took place in Makkah. Because, Mecca is home to Adam and Eve after they fell to earth.

The same thing also expressed Syauqi Abu Khalil in his book "Athlas Qur'an". Syauqi explained, the murder of Habil happened in Makkah. This is the opinion of the most powerful. While Qabil, after killing Habil, he went fled to Yemen. Similarly Tabari explained in Qisas al-Anbiya. "Qabil fled from his father (Adam) and into Yemen."

As for Adam, according to some versions he lived until 1000 years old. Another history says, was between 950-1000 years. And the distance between Adam and Noah also 1000 years or 10 centuries. Such information Ibn Kathir in his book Al-Bidayah wa an-Nihayah. Ibn Kathir explains, someone asked: "O Messenger of Allah, whether Adam was a prophet?" Prophet Muhammad replied, "Yes, the prophet who is given a revelation." The man asked again: "How long span of time between Adam and Noah?" The Prophet replied : "Ten centuries." (Narrated by Muslim).

In his book Historical Atlas of the prophets and messengers, Sami al Maghluts explains Adam lived an estimated 5872-4942 years BC (BC). While Noah probably lived circa 3993-3043 BC (Age 950 years). See also explanation in Usairy Ahmad al-Tarikh al-Islamy.

According to some history, Adam was buried on the mountain Qasiyun, in the Damascus area. Syauqi Abu Khalil added, in Qasiyun mountains towering in the city of Damascus from the north there is a cave called the cave Magharatud dam means blood. This cave is very famous. By some communities in general, it is believed to be the place where Qabil killed his brother Habil.

Its location is situated on the right path from the direction of Damascus towards Zabdani and Balaudan. Meanwhile, in the area of ​​the mountain towering above the river valley there is a grave Bardi in length about 15 meters. Some people believe it as a grave Habil. And Allaah knows best.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Arafah memiliki nilai sejarah yang sangat penting bagi umat Islam. Sebab, di tempat inilah, Rasulullah SAW menerima wahyu dari Allah SWT tentang kesempurnaan agama Islam (QS. Al-Maidah [5]: 3). Menurut sejumlah pendapat, itulah wahyu terakhir.
Arafat means know or knew. This is in place, especially the pilgrims from all over the world, annually meet to carry out one of the pillars of hajj, namely in the fields wukuf Arafat.
Arafat has a very important historical value for Muslims. Because, in this place, the Prophet Muhammad received revelations from Allah about the perfection of Islam (Al-Maidah [5]: 3). According to some opinions, that's last revelation.
There are some narrations that mention that the angels warned Adam and Eve, after they descended to earth (to place). This is so that they recognize (know; 'Arafah) for his sins and beg forgiveness of Allah SWT. Kemudiah Adam and Eve already knew (Arafa) will be mistakes and sins. They were also told (yu'rafu) means repent.
There is also another story that says, when Jibril Ibrahim members know how to perform the pilgrimage at this place. Gabriel said: "Arafta (did you know?), Ya Ibrahim," Ibrahim replied: "Araftu (I know)."
Based on this information, Arafat is a human attempt to recognize the Lord. Humans came to the place to beg for forgiveness for all sins and confess with great humility.
And in this place also, all the pilgrims perform wukuf (silent), as one of the pillars of the hajj. Rasulullah SAW said: "Al-Hajju 'Arafah' (Hajj is Arafah). Unauthorized pilgrimage someone, if not carrying out the field wukuf Arafat, including the sick even once during the pilgrimage.
In this place and time of the hajj (wukuf), all humans have equal footing before God.No title, rank, position, rich, poor, upper class or lower. Everything is equal before Allah, and piety only to distinguish them. They were the same clothes and uniforms, there is no difference between rich and poor, high or low his rank. There is no sense of smug and arrogant. All humble ourselves, expect divine forgiveness.
Primacy of Arafat as the Prophet Muhammad, which means: "Prayer is the most Afdhal (main) is prayer in the day of Arafah." In another narration, the Prophet said: "No day is the most God determines the release of his servant from hell, except the day of Arafah."
After wukuf, then proceed to Mina about 5 kilometers (km) to throw Jumrah. Then Thawaf ifadhah in Makkah, Sai (jogging) and tahallul (cutting hair). Pilgrimage procession was over. They came home with a female pilgrim to Mecca called the hajj and received (Mabrur).
That said, this place also later, during the Day of Judgement the whole of mankind will be collected, namely in Padang Mahsyar. They will be accountable for his actions before God Almighty for everything he does for the world. Wa Allah knows best.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Jabal Rahmah Meeting place for Adam and Eve

Mayoritas ulama sepakat, bahwa keduanya diturunkan secara terpisah (Adam di India sedangkan Hawa di Jeddah), lalu bertemu di Jabal Rahmah, di Arafah.

The majority of scholars agree that both are derived separately (in India while Adam Eve in Jeddah), then meet at Jabal Rahmah, at Arafat.
After some time apart, Adam with his wife was homesick. He was looking for it, until God commanded Adam to perform the pilgrimage to Mecca. Mentioned in the Book Ara'is al-Majlis al Tsa'aibi work, God revealed to Adam: "I have forbidden land (valued) in a position parallel to the throne of my (Throne). Therefore, come out there and move around (Thawaf) as surrounds my throne. The prayer there as held prayers at the throne of my hand. That's where I allow your prayers. "
Adam went down to the intended direction with guidance from the Angel Gabriel.Imam Tabari narrates, from India, Adam went to Mecca. Then he looks for Eve. Both are close to each other in Muzdalifah (approaching), then know and recognize each other at Arafat, to gather in Jama'i.
Jabal Rahmah, which means hill or mountain of love, believed to be Muslims as a meeting place between Adam and Eve, after separated for decades since descended from heaven. As all know, before they are hosts of heaven.
"And we said," O Adam! Stay thou and thy wife in Paradise, and eat with relish (various foods) that were there as you please. (But) do not approach the tree (khuldi), you're going to include people who are wrongdoers. "(Surat Al-Baqarah [2]: 35).
Get ye down! Most of you an enemy to others. And for you there is a place to live and pleasure on the earth until the time specified. (Surat Al-Baqarah [2]: 36).
Al-Imam Al-Auza’ie narrated from Hasan bin Athiyyah that Adam and Eve wept when it comes down on earth for 60 years since regretted the various pleasures in heaven are not found again by both on this earth.
Both were also crying because of sorrow for sin committed by both. Similarly, Ibn Kathir narrated in Al-Bidayah Wa Al-Nihayah, vol 1 p. 74.
The majority of scholars have argued, Adam and Eve inherited separately (in India while Adam Eve in Jeddah). Both of them then met at Jabal Rahmah, at Arafat. The belief that the meeting of Adam and Eve in the Jabal Rahmah at Arafat was later confirmed by the construction of a monument by the government of Saudi Arabia at the venue.
Meanwhile, the tomb of Prophet Adam, there is still much debated. There are mentions his tomb is located in the mountains (Jabal) Abu Qubais. Some say, on Mount Baudza (India), where the first down to earth. And, there is also the opinion, after the hurricanes, Noah visited his grave at Baitul Maqdis.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The highest mountain

Once removed from the surge, where Adam and Eve descended? The scholars disagree on this. The majority of scholars agree that both are derived separately and then meet at Jabal Rahmah, at Arafat.
Regarding the place for that is the disagreement among scholars. Iman Al-Tarikh At-Tabari in Tabari (vol. 1, p. 121-126), states, Mujahid narrated description of Abdullah bin Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib, who said: "Adam descended to earth from the surge in Indian country." This information is also transmitted by Tabaraani and Abu Nua'im in the book of al-Hilyah, and Ibn Asakir from Abu Hurairah RA.
Abullah Thabrani narrated from Ibn Umar:"When Allah sent down Adam, He's down in the land of India. Then he went to Makkah for pilgrimage and then went to Sham (Syria) and died there. "(HR Thabrani).
Abu Salih also narrated from Ibn Abbas explains that Eve is derived in Jeddah (Arabia: women's grandmother) that is part of Makkah. Then in another narration of At-Tabari narrated again that the devil down in the country Maisan, the country that lies between Basra with Wasith. While the snake dropped off at Asbahan country (Iran).
Another history says, Adam descended on the hills Safa and Eve on the hill of Marwah. Meanwhile, another report mentions, Adam revealed between Mecca and Ta'if. There is also the opinion of Adam descended in India, while Eve descended on Iraq.
The Qur'an itself does not clearly explain where Adam and Eve descended. The Qur'an only describes the process of the revelation of Adam and Eve to earth. See Al-Baqarah [2]: 30-38 and AlA'raf [7]: 11-25.
Meanwhile, according to legend in the Christian religion, after being expelled from the Garden of Eden (surge), Adam first set foot on earth on a mountain known as Adam's Peak or Al-Rohun contained in Sri Lanka.
According to At-Tabari, where Adam descended is the tallest mountain peaks in the world. Description At-Tabari is then followed by the experts of modern geography, and is the most powerful opinion basically.
This opinion is also followed by Syauqi Abu Khalil in his book Atlas of the Qur'an, and Sami bin Abdullah Al-Maghluts in Atlas History of Prophets and Apostles.
The geologists have conducted various research on the highest mountain in the world, from mainland Asia, Europe, Africa, America, to Australia. And from the study, agreed that the world's highest mountain is Mount Everest (Mount Everest) in the Himalayan region, Nepal, the border between India and China. The highest peak reaching 8,848 meters above sea level (asl). From here, the experts believe that Adam was lowered in this area, namely in the world's highest peak (Mount Everest).Wa Allah knows best.

Sunday, June 12, 2011



Is a
major port city of Jeddah in Saudi Arabia both sea ports and air ports. Locatedon the shores of the Red Sea and as other cities in Saudi Arabia, Jeddah has adesert climate.

Jeddah earlier in the fishing village is just as 2500 years ago. Founded in 647 AD byCaliph Uthman ibn Affan is ultimately used as a port for the benefit of pilgrims, especially in times of pilgrims made ​​the journey through the sea, not through the airlike this.

As a trading city, the city of Jeddah have adequate facilities. Port of sea which is themain port of trade central to the various countries, especially the countries of the eastcoast of Africa, and Yemen. Its port is a free port.

Airports in Jeddah there is a fairly well known that King Abdul Aziz International Airport which has a high activity level, especially in the season haji.Selain used toserve the hajj flights, Jeddah airport is used for ordinary commercial purposes in addition to Dammam and Riyadh.

Jeddah unclear origin, but from sources that are generally carried by the pilgrims,said the Jeddah derived from the Arabic word that means grandmother Jaddahbecause there is a tomb that is believed to be the tomb of Prophet Adam's wife Evewho were the ancestors of humans. Another source said that Jeddah Jiddah derivedfrom the Arabic word that means offshore.


small cave on Jabal Nur, located 5 km north of Mecca. Jabal Nur high peak about200 meters, there are a number of surrounding mountains, the rock hills and canyons.Location hira cave behind the two giant stones that are very deep and narrow area justenough to sleep three people and a high of ± 2 meters, at the right end there is a holethat can be used to look at the hill and mountain areas towards Mecca. In this cavebertahannus Rasulullah (closer) to Allah SWT. And this place is also the first revelationof Surat Al Alaq down verses 1-5, which means:
"Read the (call) your Lord Who created. He has created man from a clot. Read and thy Lord is Most Generous. Who taught (man) with the mediation of kalam. He taught thehuman what he does not know ".
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