Sunday, January 1, 2012

Controversy Regarding the Great Flood (Benarkah Banjir Nuh menutupi seluruh permukaan Bumi?)

Kontroversi Seputar Banjir Besar (Benarkah Banjir Nuh adalah banjir yang menutupi seluruh permukaan Bumi?)

Yang berpendapat Banjir Global

Didalam AlQur’an maupun Bible menyebutkan kaum Nuh dibinasakan dengan sebuah banjir besar. Sebagian ulama ataupun pemerhati sains dan teknologi meyatakan banjir besar itu adalah banjir global yang menenggelamkan seluruh dunia.

Penganut Kristen dan Katholik, mempercayai peristiwa itu terjadi secara global. Hal ini sebagaimana dimuat dalam Perjanjian Lama dan Perjanjian Baru yang menyatakan terjadinya banjir bersifat global.

Pendapat ini diperkuat dengan keterangan dari Genesis 7: 4 yang menyebutkan, “Untuk selama tujuh hari, Aku akan menyebabkan hujan di bumi, 40 hari dan 40 malam dan setiap makhluk hidup yang telah Aku ciptakan, akan Aku binasakan dari permukaan bumi,”

Dan bahtera itu berlayar membawa mereka dalam gelombang laksana gunung. Dan, Nuh memanggil anaknya, sedang anak itu berada di tempat yang jauh terpencil: “Hai anakku, naiklah (ke kapal) bersama kami dan janganlah kamu berada bersama orang-orang kafir, “Anaknya menjawab: “Aku akan mencari perlindungan ke gunung yang dapat memeliharaku dari air bah!” Huh berkata: “Tidak ada yang melindungi hari ini dari adzab Allah selain Allah (saja) Yang Maha Penyayang.” Dan gelombang menjadi penghalang antara keduanya; maka jadilah anak itu termasuk orang-orang yang ditenggelamkan.” (QS. Hud [11]: 42-43).

Kelompok yang mendukung pendapat ini menunjukkan data dan bukti berupa penemuan fosil-fosil gajah purba (mammoth). Menurut kelompok ini, fosil gajah purba (mammoth) itu ikut musnah ketika banjir besar terjadi. Fosil mammoth itu di antaranya ditemukan di Serbia pada 2 juli 2007 lalu, juga pada 24 Juni 1977, dan fosil gajah purba (mammoth) yang lebih besar (dewasa) membeku di kutub utara. Menurut hasil penelitian, fosil-fosil gajah purba itu diperkirakan berusia sekitar 10 ribu tahun.

Yang Berpendapat Banjir Domestik

Harun Yahya, penulis buku Kisah-Kisah dalam AlQur’an dan Jejak-Jejak Bangsa Terdahulu, maupun dalam situs, menyatakan, banjir itu hanya terjadi di wilayah tertentu, yakni di tempat umat Nabi Nuh berada (domestic), dan tidak terjadi secara global yang menenggelamkan dunia. Ia mendasarkan pendapatnya ini dengan peristiwa yang menimpa kaum ‘Ad dan Tsamud.

Menurut kelompok yang menyatakan banjir di zaman Nabi Nuh AS itu sebagai banjir domestic (lokal), berdasarkan keterangan ayat AlQur’an juga. Di antaranya, QS. Ar-Ra’du [13]: 7, An-Nahl [16]: 36, 84 dan 89, Al-Mu’minun [23]: 44, An-Nisa [4]: 41, dan Yunus [10]: 47. Ayat-ayat tersebut menjelaskan tentang adanya rasul yang diutus oleh Allah pada setiap umat.

Menurut kelompok ini, pada zaman Nabi Nuh AS, ada nabi atau rasul lain yang hidup sezaman dengannya. Namun wilayahnya berjauhan dan tidak hanya berada di Negara-negara Timur Tengah saja.

Contoh nabi dan rasul yang hidup sezaman adalah Nabi Ibrahin dengan Nabi Luth, Ismail dan Ishak. Lalu, Nabi Ya’kub sezaman dengan Nabi Yusuf. Nabi Musa hidup sezaman dengan Harun dan Nabi Syuaib, Nabi Zakaria sezaman dengan Yahya, serta lainnya. Karena itu, menurut kelompok ini, banjir besar itu hanya menimpa umatnya nabi Nuh saja.

Lalu siapakah nabi yang kira-kira hidup sezaman dengan Nabi Nuh itu? Inilah yang perlu dilacak kembali. Sebab berdasarkan hadits Nabi SAW yang diriwayatkan oleh Bukhari, jumlah nabi sebanyak 124 ribu orang dan rasul berjumlah 313 orang. Syekh Ahmad Marzuqy dalam kitab Aqidah al-Awwam. Dan Syekh Nawawi bin Umar al-Jawi Al-Bantani dalam kitab Syarah Nur al-Zhalam, juga menyebutkan jumlah Nabi dan Rasul ini sebanyak 124 ribu orang dan raasul sebanyak 313 orang. Nabi pertama adalah Adam AS, sedangkan penutup nabi dan rasul adalah Muhammad SAW. AlQur’an menyebutkan, jumlah nabi dan rasul itu sangat banyak dan hanya sebagian saja yang disebutkan dalam AlQur’an.

“Dan, sesungguhnya telah Kami utus beberapa orang rasul sebelum kamu, di antara mereka ada yang Kami ceritakan kepadamu dan di atara mereka ada (pula) yang tidak Kami ceritakan kepadamu.” (QS. Al-Mu’min [40]: 78).

Kelompok ini memperkuat argumentasinya dengan penjelasan bahwa berdasarkan hasil penelitian para ahli geologi terhadap banjir besar itu, peristiwa itu terjadi di wilayah Mesopotamia yang meliputi wilayah Turki, Iran, Irak, dan Rusia.

Lantaran daerah itu berupa cekungan raksasa yang luasnya mencapai 9 hingga 10 juta hectare, atau sekitar 70 persen dari luas Pulau Jawa. Sehingga, banjir saat itu besarnya bisa disamakan seperti lautan karena puncak bukit setinggi 5.000 meter, tidak akan tampak pada jarak 250 kilometer (km).

Dari citraan satelit, lingkup banjir pada saat perahu Nabi Nuh mendarat dapat dilacak dengan membuat garis ketinggian, dan menelusuri level yang sama dengan level lokasi perahu ditemukan. Dari ssana diketahui, luas area banjir setiap empat juta hectare, sedangkan panjang lingkup banjir sekitar 560 km.

Kelompok kedua ini juga berpendapat, suatu kaum tidak akan dibinasakan sebelum Allah mengutus seorang rasul kepada mereka, untuk menerangkan ayat-ayat Allah dan memberikan peringatan.

“Dan, tidak adalah Tuhanmu membinasakan kota-kota, sebelum Dia mengutus di kota itu seorang rasul yang membacakan ayat-ayat Kami kepada mereka; dan tidak pernah (pula) Kammi membinasakan kota-kota; kecuali penduduknya dalam keadaan melakukan kezhaliman.” (QS. Al-Qashash [28]: 59).

Controversy Regarding the Great Flood (Noah's Flood Was cover the entire surface of the Earth?)
The experts and researchers agree that a great flood that occurred in the days of Noah actually exist. Even in the various religious and cultural beliefs including several States, tells the story of a great flood that struck the people of Noah.
It's just a difference of opinion concerning the incident. At least there are two things that has so far been controversial. One question is, did the great flood that drowned the whole world?
Argues that flood the global
Experts agree that the people of Noah drowned because they defied the invitation of the Prophet Noah to believe in Allah SWT with a flood of staggering magnitude. How much and how widespread the floods that hit, this is disputed.
At least, there are two major issues to be disagreement among scholars and archeologists about the flood of this magnitude. the big issue is whether the great flood that drowned the whole world (global), or limited to certain regions (local / domestic), namely in the area where the Noah preach to his people.
Not easy to answer that question. Therefore, to dissect more fully, empirical data are needed in various fields of science, like geology, archeology, history, astronomy, geography, including the information contained in religious books. That is very clear is the ship or Noah's ark is believed to have been found, precisely on top of Mount Ararat on the border between Turkey and Iraq at an altitude of about 2515 meters above sea level (asl) on August 11, 1979.
Some say, the great flood that hit the entire world so that no single animal or a human being who survived, except that is above the ship.
In the Qur'an and the Bible says Noah destroyed by a great flood. Some scholars of science and technology nor observers expressed great flood was a global flood that drowned the whole world.
Christians and Catholics, believe it happened globally. This is as stated in the Old Testament and New Testament which states the flood was global.
This opinion is reinforced by the statement of Genesis 7: 4 which says, "For the past seven days, I will cause the rain on the earth, 40 days and 40 nights and every living creature that I created, will I destroy from the earth's surface,"
Mentioned in the Qur'an:"Noah said: 'My Lord, do not let anyone among the infidels lived on earth. Indeed, if you let them stay, they will mislead Thy slaves, and they will not give birth than children who are very heathen sinner anymore. "(Qur'an, Noah [71]: 26-27).
And the ark sailed bring them in waves like mountains. And Noah called his son, while the child was in far flung places: "My son, come (to the ship) with us and do not be with those who disbelieve," She responded: "I will seek refuge in the mountains that can be care of me from the flood! "Huh said:" Nothing protects this day of Allaah but Allah (Alone) the All-Merciful. "And the wave becomes a barrier between them, then so be it children, including those who drowned." (Qur'an . Hud [11]: 42-43).
For those groups who claim global flood, the phrase "destroy all infidels from the face of the earth" and the magnitude of flooding that "wave like a mountain", it indicates that the flood was a global flood that drowned the whole world. They base their opinion on verses 42-43 QS. Hud [11] and the prayer of Prophet Nuh AS above.
Groups that support this opinion and the data show evidence of the discovery of fossils of ancient elephants (mammoths). According to the group, fossils of ancient elephants (mammoths) took part perished when floods occur. Mammoth fossils that were found in Serbia on 2 July 2007, also on June 24, 1977, and fossils of ancient elephants (mammoths) the larger (adult) frozen in the polar north. According to the research, the fossils of ancient elephants was estimated about 10 thousand years old.
This opinion is also supported Indonesia one of the authors named H Sumar, observers Qur'an and Science. He said the incident had occurred about 10 thousand years ago with evidence of extinction of mammoths have been found in Siberia it. Ahmad Bahjat, author of History of the Prophets of God, declared, it tends to flood the global flood.

Argues that flood the domestic

Harun Yahya, author of Tales of the Qur'an and Trace Trace Older Nations, as well as in site, said the flood that only happens in certain areas, ie in place of Noah's people are (domestic), and does not occur globally that drowned the world. He bases this opinion with the events that befall people of 'Ad and Thamud.
According to the group that claimed at the time of Noah's flood was a flood of domestic (local), based on the testimony of Al-Quran verses as well. Among them, QS. Ar-Ra'du [13]: 7, An-Nahl [16]: 36, 84 and 89, Al-Mu'minun [23]: 44, An-Nisa [4]: ​​41, and Jonah [10]: 47. The verses are explained about the apostle sent by God to every people.
According to the group, in the days of Noah, no prophet or apostle others living contemporaries. However far apart the region and not only in the Middle East countries alone.
Examples of prophets and apostles who were contemporaries of the Prophet Ibrahim to Prophet Lut, Ishmael and Isaac. Then, the Prophet Ya'qub contemporary of the Prophet Joseph; Prophet Moses contemporary of the Prophet Harun and Shu'aib, Prophet Yahya contemporary of the Prophet Zakaria, and others. Therefore, according to this group, it's just a big flood hit just his people the prophet Noah.

So whom does the prophet which is roughly contemporary with that of Noah? This is what needs to be tracked back. Because based on the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad narrated by Bukhari, number as many as 124 thousand prophets and apostles numbered 313 people. Sheikh Ahmad Marzuqy in the book of Aqeedah al-Awwam. And Sheikh Omar bin al-Nawawi al-Jawi Banteni in the book Sharh al-Nur Zhalam, also mention the amount of the prophets and messengers are as many as 124 thousand people and raasul many as 313 people. The first prophet is Adam, while the cover of the prophets and messengers is Muhammad. Qur'an mentions, many prophets and apostles were very numerous and only partially mentioned in the Koran.
"And verily We sent messengers before thee: few people, among them whom We have told you and Atara they are (also) We have not told you." (Surat al-Mu'min [40]: 78) .
When the number of prophets and apostles were divided by the lifetime of the prophets and apostles from Prophet Adam to Prophet Muhammad (5872 BC - 571 AD), at least every year, there were about 19-20 people prophets and messengers sent by God to invite mankind to believe! and worship God.
A number of commentators and the author of several stories of the prophets and apostles, such as Ibn Kathir (Qisas al-Anbiya ') and Afif Abdul Fatah said the flood was a local flood and only Noah's people are destroyed.
This group reinforces his argument by explaining that based on the results of the geologist to study the great flood, events that occurred in the territory of Mesopotamia which covers an area of ​​Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Russia.
Because the area is a giant basin which covers 9 to 10 million hectare, or about 70 percent of the island of Java. Thus, when the magnitude of flooding could be compared to the ocean because the top of the hill as high as 5,000 meters, will not be visible at a distance of 250 kilometers (km).
From satellite imagery, the scope of the flood at the time of Noah's boat landing can be tracked by creating a line height, and browse the same level as the level of the location of the boat was found. From there it is known, the area floods every four million hectare, while the length of the scope of the flood about 560 miles.
The second group is also argued, a nation will not be destroyed before God sent a messenger to them, to explain the verses of Allah and give warning.
"And, neither is your Lord destroy the towns until He had sent a messenger in the city who recite Our Signs to them; and never (well) We destroyed the cities, except for residents in a state of doing injustice." (QS. Al-Qasas [28]: 59).
Harun Yahya also asserted, the great flood of Noah happened to the people that are flooding the domestic and not a global flood, which drowned the whole world.
Mentioned in the Qur'an, the Prophet Noah ask God to the people who do not believe and deny himself the apostle of God that destroyed it.
"O God, do not let anyone among pagans lived on earth. Indeed, if you let the infidels were living, they will mislead Thy slaves, and they will not give birth than children who are very heathen sinner anymore. "(Qur'an, Noah [71]: 25-27).
Ibn Kathir in his book Qisas Al-Anbiya 'declared the prayer of Prophet Nuh AS was intended for his people alone, and not the whole of mankind. In addition, the people who inhabit this earth are limited, and not evenly distributed as it is today.

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