Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Prophet Idris (Track the author First Impressions with Pen)

Prophet Idris
Track the author First Impressions with Pen

Nabi Idris
Melacak Jejak Penulis Pertama dengan Pena

Al-Maghluts menyebutkan, Idris hidup sekitar tahun 4533-4188 Sebelum Masehi (SM). Usianya diperkirakan sekitar 345 tahun. Ada pula yang menyebutkan, usianya 308 tahun. Hal ini juga disebutkan oleh Ibnu Katsir dalam Qishash al-Anbiya’ yang mengutip keterangan dari Ibnu Ishaq.
Ibnu Ishaq menerangkan, Idris adalah manusia pertama yang menulis dengan pena. Rasul SAW bersabda; “Dahulu, ada seorang nabi yang menulis dengannya (maksudnya menulis di atas pasir). Barang siapa yang sejalan dengan tulisannya, demikian itulah (tulisannya).”
Sebagian riwayat menyebutkan, Nabi Idris-lah yang dimaksud dalam hadits yang diriwayatkan muslim dari Mu’awiyah bin Al-Hakam As-Sulami tersebut.

At the time, man has spoken in 72 languages. He likes writing, drawing development of cities which amounted to 188 cities.

"And, tell (O Muhammad to them, the story) Idris (who is) in the Qur'an. Indeed, he is a very correct and a prophet. And We raised him to that high dignity. "(Surah Maryam [19]: 56-57).

"And (remember) Isma'il, Idris, and Zulkifli. They all include people who are impatient.We have incorporated them into Our mercy. Indeed, they include people who are pious. "(Surat al-Anbiya '[21]: 85-86).

Prophet Idris Alaihissalam (AS) is a prophet sent by God to his people. According to some versions, as quoted in Sami bin Abdullah Al-Maghluts, in his book Historical Atlas of the prophets and messengers, Idris was sent to the house of the Prophet Syits or descendants of Qabil, the son of Prophet Adam, in the territory of ancient Iraq.

Afif Abdul Fatah in his book Prophets in the Koran, quoting a description of the clergy, said Idris was born in Munaf (Memphis), Egypt, and then broadcast preaching the religion of Allah until the region of ancient Iraq. Another group argues, Idris was born and raised in Babylon.

Al-Maghluts mention, Idris, lived circa 4533-4188 BCE (BCE). He was estimated to be about 345 years. There is a mention, he was 308 years old. It is also mentioned by Ibn Kathir in Qisas al-Anbiya 'which quoted from Ibn Ishaq.

Prophet Idris AS is recognized by many scholars and commentators, was a prophet who has many privileges. Privileges include the ability to write, draw, sew, mastering astronomy, and so forth.

In the book Tarikh al-Hukama, stated that Idris named Hurmus Al-Haramisah. Its name comes from the Greek, Armia. Then, termed the Arabic language, Hurmus.Hurmus named because he was an expert in astrology. And called Idris, for his clever writing and love to learn (daras).

According to the Hebrew, his name is Khunukh or termed in Arabic a Akhnukh. This explanation is contained in his book Al-Maghluts, Ibn Kathir, Afif Abdul Fatah, Ahmad Bahjat (History of the Prophets in the Qur'an) and others.

According to Ibn Kathir, Prophet Idris was path nasab Prophet Muhammad. Al-Maghluts mention, his name is Idris (Akhnukh) the son of Jared bin Mahalail (Mahalalel) the son of
Qainan the son of Anusy the son of Syits the son of Adam AS.

In the Qur'an, his name is called Idris, because Allah glorify Him as a messenger who has the versatility in the field of science and study hard (daras). God gave it 30 Manuscripts (shuhuf) in preparation to teach his people.

Al-Maghluts stated, in his time, man has spoken in 72 languages. When he was preaching to his people, Idris has been drawing the development of cities so that the city built in his time as many as 188 cities.

And, the Prophet Idris also divides the region of the earth into four parts and assign each part of a king. The names of the king was Elaus, Zous, Esqlebeos, and Zous Ammon.

Ibn Ishaq explains, Idris was the first man to write with a pen. Rasulullah SAW said: "Previously, there was a prophet who wrote to him (meaning the writing on the sand).Whoever is in line with his writings, so that (writing). "

Some history mentions, Prophet Idris was the one mentioned in the hadith narrated byMuslim from Mu'awiya ibn Al-Hakam Al-Sulami it.

Pencraft owned Prophet Idris AS in line with the hadeeth of the Prophet narrated byImam Ahmad in Musnad Ahmad that states, "Being the first time God created was the pen. Then He said to the pen, the 'Write'. So, at that time, shall apply all that set until the end of Doomsday. "(See Musnad Ahmad RA).

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Habil and Qabil (the story of two sons of Prophet Adam)

“Semua anak Adam dilahirkan secara kembar dampit; laki-laki dan perempuan. Beliau kemudian menikahkan anak laki-laki pertama secara menyilang dengan ank perempuan kedua. Beliau memiliki dua anak laki-laki bernama Qabil dan Habil. Qabil merupakan anak laki-laki pertama yang lahir bersama Zar’a (ada yang menyebutnya kembaran Qabil bernama Iklima), dan Habil anak kedua yang lahir bersama dengan Dhar (ada yang menyebutnya Labuda). Saudara kembar Qabil memiliki paras yang lebih cantik dibandingkan dengan saudara kembar Habil.”

According to Sami bin Abdullah Al-Maghluts, citing Imam Tabari in "Tarikh al-Umam wa al-Mulk", explains; Abu Malik narrated from Abu Salih, from Ibn Abbas, of Murrah al-Hamdani, from Ibn Mas'ud
, from the Companions of the Prophet who said:

"All children are born as twins Adam Dampit; men and women. He later married the first boy to cross with the second daughter. He has two sons named Qabil and Habil.Qabil was the first boy born with Zar'a (some call it a twin named Qabil Iklima), and second son Habil, who was born along with Dhar (some call Labuda). Qabil has a twin brother who looks prettier than the twin brother Habil. "

Prophet Adam and Qabil to marry Habil's twin, and vice versa. But Qabil refused, because she was older than Habil and her twin were born together with him. "She was my sister who was born with me. She was prettier than your sister. I have more right to marry, "said Qabil.

Both were then asked to make sacrifices as offerings to the Creator. Who is the victim received, then he will marry his brother Qabil. Qabil made an offering of his garden a bad outcome, whereas Habil takes a fat sheep as a sacrifice. Finally God accept Habil sacrifice.

This, upset Qabil. So he looked for a way to kill Habil. At that time, Adam had gone to Mecca. Before leaving, Adam asked the sky to keep his family. "Take care of my son very well." But the heavens reject it.

Adam then says to the earth, but earth was rejected. Adam asked the mountain.Same with the heavens and the earth, the mountain had refused the request of Adam.Finally, Adam said to Qabil, and Qabil promised to guard it. Then, it happened that Qabil killed Habil murder.

Qabil and Habil left the corpse in the open. Because, he does not know how to bury her. Allah then sent two brothers crow tail. Both are fighting each other, until one of them died. The crow then dig the soil with its beak and crows bury the dead. When Qabil saw that, he said: "Alas, why am I not able to do as this raven, so I can bury the corpse of my brother." (Surat al Maidah [5]: 31)

Adam came home and found one of his sons had died because of killed by his own son.

"Surely We offered the trust to the heavens, the earth and the mountains, but they refused to undertake it, being afraid, and dipikullah mandate it by humans. Behold, the man most wrongdoers and very stupid. "(Qur'an Adzab [33]: 72).

He is Qabil, humans are not trustworthy in fulfilling the mandate Prophet Adam to keep his family. Thus the statement of Imam Tabari in al-Tarikh wa al-Mulk Umam, Volume I, page 13.


diungkapkan Syauqi Abu Khalil dalam bukunya "Athlas Al-Qur’an". Syauqi menjelaskan, pembunuhan Habil terjadi di Makkah. Inilah pendapat yang paling kuat. Sedangkan Qabil, setelah membunuh Habil, ia pergi melarikan diri ke daerah Yaman. Demikian diterangkan Ath-Thabari dalam Qishash al-Anbiya. “Qabil melarikan diri dari ayahnya (Adam) dan menuju ke daerah Yaman.”

Adapun Adam, menurut sebagian riwayat ia hidup hingga berusia 1000 tahun. Riwayat lainnya menyebutkan, usianya antara 950-1000 tahun. Dan jarak antara Adam dengan Nuh juga 1000 tahun atau 10 abad. Demikian keterangan Ibnu Katsir dalam kitabnya Al-Bidayah wa an-Nihayah. Ibnu Katsir menjelaskan, ada seseorang bertanya; “Ya Rasulullah, apakah Adam seorang nabi?” Rasul SAW menjawab, “Ya, nabi yang diberikan wahyu.” Orang itu kembali bertanya; “Berapa lama rentang waktu antara Adam dan Nuh?” Nabi SAW menjawab; “Sepuluh abad.” (HR. Muslim).

Described by Sami bin Abdullah al Maghluts, murders committed by his brother Qabil in self-named Habil took place in Makkah. Because, Mecca is home to Adam and Eve after they fell to earth.

The same thing also expressed Syauqi Abu Khalil in his book "Athlas Qur'an". Syauqi explained, the murder of Habil happened in Makkah. This is the opinion of the most powerful. While Qabil, after killing Habil, he went fled to Yemen. Similarly Tabari explained in Qisas al-Anbiya. "Qabil fled from his father (Adam) and into Yemen."

As for Adam, according to some versions he lived until 1000 years old. Another history says, was between 950-1000 years. And the distance between Adam and Noah also 1000 years or 10 centuries. Such information Ibn Kathir in his book Al-Bidayah wa an-Nihayah. Ibn Kathir explains, someone asked: "O Messenger of Allah, whether Adam was a prophet?" Prophet Muhammad replied, "Yes, the prophet who is given a revelation." The man asked again: "How long span of time between Adam and Noah?" The Prophet replied : "Ten centuries." (Narrated by Muslim).

In his book Historical Atlas of the prophets and messengers, Sami al Maghluts explains Adam lived an estimated 5872-4942 years BC (BC). While Noah probably lived circa 3993-3043 BC (Age 950 years). See also explanation in Usairy Ahmad al-Tarikh al-Islamy.

According to some history, Adam was buried on the mountain Qasiyun, in the Damascus area. Syauqi Abu Khalil added, in Qasiyun mountains towering in the city of Damascus from the north there is a cave called the cave Magharatud dam means blood. This cave is very famous. By some communities in general, it is believed to be the place where Qabil killed his brother Habil.

Its location is situated on the right path from the direction of Damascus towards Zabdani and Balaudan. Meanwhile, in the area of ​​the mountain towering above the river valley there is a grave Bardi in length about 15 meters. Some people believe it as a grave Habil. And Allaah knows best.
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