Tuesday, June 7, 2011



Sedikitnya, ada empat orang nabi dan rasul yang diutus di negeri ini. Keempat nabi dan rasul itu adalah Idris AS, Nuh AS, Ibrahim AS, dan Yunus AS.

Iraq is one country where the coming of God's prophets and apostles. At least, there are four prophets and messengers who were sent in this country. Fourth prophets andapostles is the U.S. Idris, Nuh AS, Abraham, and Jonah U.S..

Prophet Idris was sent in wilaah Ancient Iraq, precisely in the region of Babylon. Noahwas sent in the Mesopotamia region, in the Babylonian Abraham, and Jonah in theNinawa (Ninive).

There are some famous cities in Iraq, including Baghdad, Basra and Kufa. Until now,the third city, famous as a center spread of Islam. In fact, during the Abbasid dynasty, the city of Baghdad became the center of the development of science and peaked(The Golden Age) at the time of Caliph Harun al Rashid.

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