Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Arafah memiliki nilai sejarah yang sangat penting bagi umat Islam. Sebab, di tempat inilah, Rasulullah SAW menerima wahyu dari Allah SWT tentang kesempurnaan agama Islam (QS. Al-Maidah [5]: 3). Menurut sejumlah pendapat, itulah wahyu terakhir.
Arafat means know or knew. This is in place, especially the pilgrims from all over the world, annually meet to carry out one of the pillars of hajj, namely in the fields wukuf Arafat.
Arafat has a very important historical value for Muslims. Because, in this place, the Prophet Muhammad received revelations from Allah about the perfection of Islam (Al-Maidah [5]: 3). According to some opinions, that's last revelation.
There are some narrations that mention that the angels warned Adam and Eve, after they descended to earth (to place). This is so that they recognize (know; 'Arafah) for his sins and beg forgiveness of Allah SWT. Kemudiah Adam and Eve already knew (Arafa) will be mistakes and sins. They were also told (yu'rafu) means repent.
There is also another story that says, when Jibril Ibrahim members know how to perform the pilgrimage at this place. Gabriel said: "Arafta (did you know?), Ya Ibrahim," Ibrahim replied: "Araftu (I know)."
Based on this information, Arafat is a human attempt to recognize the Lord. Humans came to the place to beg for forgiveness for all sins and confess with great humility.
And in this place also, all the pilgrims perform wukuf (silent), as one of the pillars of the hajj. Rasulullah SAW said: "Al-Hajju 'Arafah' (Hajj is Arafah). Unauthorized pilgrimage someone, if not carrying out the field wukuf Arafat, including the sick even once during the pilgrimage.
In this place and time of the hajj (wukuf), all humans have equal footing before God.No title, rank, position, rich, poor, upper class or lower. Everything is equal before Allah, and piety only to distinguish them. They were the same clothes and uniforms, there is no difference between rich and poor, high or low his rank. There is no sense of smug and arrogant. All humble ourselves, expect divine forgiveness.
Primacy of Arafat as the Prophet Muhammad, which means: "Prayer is the most Afdhal (main) is prayer in the day of Arafah." In another narration, the Prophet said: "No day is the most God determines the release of his servant from hell, except the day of Arafah."
After wukuf, then proceed to Mina about 5 kilometers (km) to throw Jumrah. Then Thawaf ifadhah in Makkah, Sai (jogging) and tahallul (cutting hair). Pilgrimage procession was over. They came home with a female pilgrim to Mecca called the hajj and received (Mabrur).
That said, this place also later, during the Day of Judgement the whole of mankind will be collected, namely in Padang Mahsyar. They will be accountable for his actions before God Almighty for everything he does for the world. Wa Allah knows best.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Jabal Rahmah Meeting place for Adam and Eve

Mayoritas ulama sepakat, bahwa keduanya diturunkan secara terpisah (Adam di India sedangkan Hawa di Jeddah), lalu bertemu di Jabal Rahmah, di Arafah.

The majority of scholars agree that both are derived separately (in India while Adam Eve in Jeddah), then meet at Jabal Rahmah, at Arafat.
After some time apart, Adam with his wife was homesick. He was looking for it, until God commanded Adam to perform the pilgrimage to Mecca. Mentioned in the Book Ara'is al-Majlis al Tsa'aibi work, God revealed to Adam: "I have forbidden land (valued) in a position parallel to the throne of my (Throne). Therefore, come out there and move around (Thawaf) as surrounds my throne. The prayer there as held prayers at the throne of my hand. That's where I allow your prayers. "
Adam went down to the intended direction with guidance from the Angel Gabriel.Imam Tabari narrates, from India, Adam went to Mecca. Then he looks for Eve. Both are close to each other in Muzdalifah (approaching), then know and recognize each other at Arafat, to gather in Jama'i.
Jabal Rahmah, which means hill or mountain of love, believed to be Muslims as a meeting place between Adam and Eve, after separated for decades since descended from heaven. As all know, before they are hosts of heaven.
"And we said," O Adam! Stay thou and thy wife in Paradise, and eat with relish (various foods) that were there as you please. (But) do not approach the tree (khuldi), you're going to include people who are wrongdoers. "(Surat Al-Baqarah [2]: 35).
Get ye down! Most of you an enemy to others. And for you there is a place to live and pleasure on the earth until the time specified. (Surat Al-Baqarah [2]: 36).
Al-Imam Al-Auza’ie narrated from Hasan bin Athiyyah that Adam and Eve wept when it comes down on earth for 60 years since regretted the various pleasures in heaven are not found again by both on this earth.
Both were also crying because of sorrow for sin committed by both. Similarly, Ibn Kathir narrated in Al-Bidayah Wa Al-Nihayah, vol 1 p. 74.
The majority of scholars have argued, Adam and Eve inherited separately (in India while Adam Eve in Jeddah). Both of them then met at Jabal Rahmah, at Arafat. The belief that the meeting of Adam and Eve in the Jabal Rahmah at Arafat was later confirmed by the construction of a monument by the government of Saudi Arabia at the venue.
Meanwhile, the tomb of Prophet Adam, there is still much debated. There are mentions his tomb is located in the mountains (Jabal) Abu Qubais. Some say, on Mount Baudza (India), where the first down to earth. And, there is also the opinion, after the hurricanes, Noah visited his grave at Baitul Maqdis.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The highest mountain

Once removed from the surge, where Adam and Eve descended? The scholars disagree on this. The majority of scholars agree that both are derived separately and then meet at Jabal Rahmah, at Arafat.
Regarding the place for that is the disagreement among scholars. Iman Al-Tarikh At-Tabari in Tabari (vol. 1, p. 121-126), states, Mujahid narrated description of Abdullah bin Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib, who said: "Adam descended to earth from the surge in Indian country." This information is also transmitted by Tabaraani and Abu Nua'im in the book of al-Hilyah, and Ibn Asakir from Abu Hurairah RA.
Abullah Thabrani narrated from Ibn Umar:"When Allah sent down Adam, He's down in the land of India. Then he went to Makkah for pilgrimage and then went to Sham (Syria) and died there. "(HR Thabrani).
Abu Salih also narrated from Ibn Abbas explains that Eve is derived in Jeddah (Arabia: women's grandmother) that is part of Makkah. Then in another narration of At-Tabari narrated again that the devil down in the country Maisan, the country that lies between Basra with Wasith. While the snake dropped off at Asbahan country (Iran).
Another history says, Adam descended on the hills Safa and Eve on the hill of Marwah. Meanwhile, another report mentions, Adam revealed between Mecca and Ta'if. There is also the opinion of Adam descended in India, while Eve descended on Iraq.
The Qur'an itself does not clearly explain where Adam and Eve descended. The Qur'an only describes the process of the revelation of Adam and Eve to earth. See Al-Baqarah [2]: 30-38 and AlA'raf [7]: 11-25.
Meanwhile, according to legend in the Christian religion, after being expelled from the Garden of Eden (surge), Adam first set foot on earth on a mountain known as Adam's Peak or Al-Rohun contained in Sri Lanka.
According to At-Tabari, where Adam descended is the tallest mountain peaks in the world. Description At-Tabari is then followed by the experts of modern geography, and is the most powerful opinion basically.
This opinion is also followed by Syauqi Abu Khalil in his book Atlas of the Qur'an, and Sami bin Abdullah Al-Maghluts in Atlas History of Prophets and Apostles.
The geologists have conducted various research on the highest mountain in the world, from mainland Asia, Europe, Africa, America, to Australia. And from the study, agreed that the world's highest mountain is Mount Everest (Mount Everest) in the Himalayan region, Nepal, the border between India and China. The highest peak reaching 8,848 meters above sea level (asl). From here, the experts believe that Adam was lowered in this area, namely in the world's highest peak (Mount Everest).Wa Allah knows best.

Sunday, June 12, 2011



Is a
major port city of Jeddah in Saudi Arabia both sea ports and air ports. Locatedon the shores of the Red Sea and as other cities in Saudi Arabia, Jeddah has adesert climate.

Jeddah earlier in the fishing village is just as 2500 years ago. Founded in 647 AD byCaliph Uthman ibn Affan is ultimately used as a port for the benefit of pilgrims, especially in times of pilgrims made ​​the journey through the sea, not through the airlike this.

As a trading city, the city of Jeddah have adequate facilities. Port of sea which is themain port of trade central to the various countries, especially the countries of the eastcoast of Africa, and Yemen. Its port is a free port.

Airports in Jeddah there is a fairly well known that King Abdul Aziz International Airport which has a high activity level, especially in the season haji.Selain used toserve the hajj flights, Jeddah airport is used for ordinary commercial purposes in addition to Dammam and Riyadh.

Jeddah unclear origin, but from sources that are generally carried by the pilgrims,said the Jeddah derived from the Arabic word that means grandmother Jaddahbecause there is a tomb that is believed to be the tomb of Prophet Adam's wife Evewho were the ancestors of humans. Another source said that Jeddah Jiddah derivedfrom the Arabic word that means offshore.


small cave on Jabal Nur, located 5 km north of Mecca. Jabal Nur high peak about200 meters, there are a number of surrounding mountains, the rock hills and canyons.Location hira cave behind the two giant stones that are very deep and narrow area justenough to sleep three people and a high of ± 2 meters, at the right end there is a holethat can be used to look at the hill and mountain areas towards Mecca. In this cavebertahannus Rasulullah (closer) to Allah SWT. And this place is also the first revelationof Surat Al Alaq down verses 1-5, which means:
"Read the (call) your Lord Who created. He has created man from a clot. Read and thy Lord is Most Generous. Who taught (man) with the mediation of kalam. He taught thehuman what he does not know ".

Tuesday, June 7, 2011



Sedikitnya, ada empat orang nabi dan rasul yang diutus di negeri ini. Keempat nabi dan rasul itu adalah Idris AS, Nuh AS, Ibrahim AS, dan Yunus AS.

Iraq is one country where the coming of God's prophets and apostles. At least, there are four prophets and messengers who were sent in this country. Fourth prophets andapostles is the U.S. Idris, Nuh AS, Abraham, and Jonah U.S..

Prophet Idris was sent in wilaah Ancient Iraq, precisely in the region of Babylon. Noahwas sent in the Mesopotamia region, in the Babylonian Abraham, and Jonah in theNinawa (Ninive).

There are some famous cities in Iraq, including Baghdad, Basra and Kufa. Until now,the third city, famous as a center spread of Islam. In fact, during the Abbasid dynasty, the city of Baghdad became the center of the development of science and peaked(The Golden Age) at the time of Caliph Harun al Rashid.


Egypt is a land of kings. This is where the pharaoh (Egyptian kings) ruled. The countryhas been there since the 32nd century BC (BC), or about 3200 BC. Since theProphet Ibrahim AS, this country already exists. At the time of the ruling dynasty is thedynasty Usrah in the classical era (3200-2160 BC). Furthermore, before the Pharaoh,was established pyramid. That is called the era of Ancient Egypt.
According to Sami bin Abdullah Al Maghluts Athlas chronicle in his book Al-Anbiya'wa al-rusul (Atlas History of Prophets and Apostles), there are at least four periods inthis time of Ancient Egypt. That is the period of the Kingdom of Classical Era (3200-2160 BC). At this time there are ten dynasties namely dynasty IX.
The second period was the era that began mid-year by 2160-1585 BC. In this periodranging from the ruling dynasty dynasties XI-XVII. In this era, the Hyksos invadedEgypt.
Furthermore, the third period, namely the kingdom of a new era (1585-1200 BC).That ruling was the dynasty XVIII-XX. At the moment this is the Pharaoh in power andwhen Moses went out with his people from Egypt.
Finally, the era of weakness and decline (1200-332 BC) dynasties which were inherited by the XXI-XXX. At this time, Alexsander Macedonia into the land of Egypt.
Al Maghluts mention, XII dynasty was a period with major events in ancient history. Atthis time, Abraham was born in southern Iraq, then moved to Syria, where he went toEgypt after Syria began to suffer from drought. At that moment, the king of Egypt's ruling gives him a servant, named Hagar, who eventually become the wife ofAbraham.
In the Qur'an, Allah has sent as many as 25 of the Prophet and Apostles. And of the 25's, three of the Prophet who was sent to Egypt this region. Third Prophet andMessenger are U.S. Yusuf, Musa, and Harun U.S..


Makkah al Mukarramah is a very sacred land of Muslims. For God Almighty has made that clear in the Qur'an."And if they do not notice, that We have made (their country) a sanctuary secure, while men around him rob-rob. So why (after the real truth), they still believe in a false and disbelieve in the favor of Allah? "(Surat al-Ankabut [29]: 67).In addition to Mecca, which is also called the holy land by God is Palestine and in surrounding areas. "O my people, go to the holy land (Palestine) which Allah has prescribed for you, and do not run backward (for fear of the enemy), then you become the people perish." (Al Maidah [5]: 21). See also in surah Al-Isra [17] Paragraph 1.While Madinah Al Munawwarah, sanctified by the Prophet Muhammad. Anas RA said that the Prophet SAW said, "Madinah is haram (holy land) from this to this, should not be cut (cut) tree, and should not be done bid'ahdi dalamna. Any person who makes heresy (or protect those who do heretics) on it, then he hit curse of Allah, angels, and all mankind. "(Bukhari).As the town is cleansed, of course, Mecca has many privileges. Among other things, the establishment of God's house (House), as a mecca for Muslims all over the world.All Muslims must confront face towards the Sacred House, each will establish prayer five times a day.In addition, of course, the glory of Mecca, as this is where God sent the prophet of the first (Adam) and the final prophet (Muhammad SAW). In the book Athlas chronicle al-Anbiya 'wa al-rusul, Sami bin Abdullah Al-Maghluts explains, there are six people who sent prophets and messengers of Allah in Makkah and the surrounding areas (Arabian Peninsula). Sixth prophets and apostles was Prophet Adam, Prophet Ismail AS, Prophet Saleh AS, Prophet Hud U.S., U.S. Shu'aib Prophet, and Prophet Muhammad SAW.Of the 25 prophets and messengers are mentioned in the Qur'an, only six prophet who was sent in Makkah and the surrounding earth. Most of the 25 apostles, had been to Mecca, and even perform the pilgrimage. Among them was Prophet Abraham AS.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

SYAM And Palestina

Allah says, that the Palestinians and Syria is a country blessed by God Almighty, in addition to Mecca and Medina."O my people, go to the holy land (Palestine) which Allah has prescribed for you, and do not run backward (for fear of the enemy), then you become the people perish." (Al Maidah [5]: 21)."And We saved Abraham and Lot to a land which We had blessed for all people." (Surat al-Anbiya [21]: 71)"Glory to God, who has memperjalankan his servant on a night of Al-Masjid al-Haram to Al Aqsa Mosque which We have blessed around it." (Surat al-Isra [17]: 1)All the commentators agree, that the country is blessed in the paragraph above is a land of Syria and Palestine. For example, Digital is mentioned in the Qur'an, which is a country in the above verse is a description of Syria and Palestine. God bless the country, because most of the prophets came from this land and the land was fertile.Palestine for example, referred to as one of the oldest country in the world. And in Palestine, specifically Jerusalem, the city was known as the City of Three Faith. Similarly, Karen Armstrong called it. And Armstrong said, before the 20th century BC, the country has been inhabited by the Canaanites.Prof.Dr. Anggara Umar Jenie, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), said the city of Jerusalem is the best evidence in the antiquity of the settlements-semistis ancient Arabs in Palestine, who had been there long before other nations to come.The city was founded by the tribes Jebusites, which is a branch of the Canaanites who lived about 5000 years ago. "The first one is a king of Jerusalem established nation-Canaanite Jebusites," he said.So it makes sense in this country have been sent many prophets and messengers, because it is one of the oldest cities in the world.In this country there are Haikal Sulaiman and the Kingdom of David, also the birthplace of Jesus, where diadzabnya the Lot, where Zakaria perform the prayer, the Prophet SAW implement dna Isra Mi `raj, the Aqsa Mosque, and others. In fact, in one tower Mosque in Damascus, where the decline is believed to be the Prophet Isa at the end of time later. Allaah knows best

Mengendalikan Marah

Menurut kacamata psikologi, marah adalah bagian dari emosi. Di antara sekian banyak emosi, marah dikategorikan sebagai emosi yang negatif. "
Oleh karena itu, marah harus dikendalikan jika kemarahan tersebut dapat merugikan orang lain dan lingkungan sekitarnya. Namun, tidak selamanya amarah dapat merugikan orang lain karena ada saat-saat di mana kemarahan perlu diekspresikan lewat perilaku. Sebab, adakalanya seseorang yang kita ajak bicara baru mengerti maksud yang ingin kita sampaikan ketika kita marah. Tanpa marah, orang lain malah menganggap kita main-main atau tidak serius.

Begitu juga dengan Anda. Jika marah kepada anak bertujuan untuk menasihati, kemarahan tersebut diperbolehkan, dengan catatan tidak melukai fisik dan psikis mereka. Namun, jika kemarahan tersebut karena jengkel kepada mereka, apalagi sampai melukai fisik maupun psikis mereka, marah yang seperti ini yang dilarang dalam Islam, dan kita harus berusaha mengendalikannya.

Dalam hal ini, Islam telah memberikan arahan kepada kita untuk mampu mengendalikan amarah dengan cara-cara berikut ini.

Pertama, membaca ta’awudz ketika marah.
Rasulullah pernah mengajarkannya kepada dua orang sahabat yang saling mencaci dengan mengatakan, “Sesungguhnya aku akan ajarkan kalian suatu kalimat yang kalau diucapkan akan hilanglah kemarahan kalian, yaitu bacaan A’uudzubillaahi minasysyaithaanirrajiim.” (H.R. Bukhari)

Kedua, mengubah posisi ketika marah.
Jika posisi kita saat kemaran itu datang adalah berdiri, dianjurkan untuk duduk. Namun, ketika posisi marah kita sedang duduk, dianjurkan untuk berbaring. Rasulullah Saw. bersabda, “Apabila salah seorang di antara kalian marah, sedangkan ia dalam posisi berdiri, hendaklah ia duduk. Kalau telah reda atau hilang marahnya (maka cukup dengan duduk saja), dan jika belum reda, hendaklah ia berbaring” (H.R. Abu Daud).

Ketiga, diam atau tidak berbicara.
Rasulullah Saw. bersabda, “Apabila di antara kalian marah, diamlah” (H.R. Ahmad).

Keempat, berwudhulah.
Rasulullah Saw. bersabda, “Sesungguhnya marah itu dari setan dan setan itu diciptakan dari api, dan api itu bisa padam jika diredam dengan air, maka apabila di antara kalian marah, berwudhulah” (H.R. Ahmad).

Kelima, lakukanlah shalat.
Jika empat langkah tadi belum mampu meredakan amarah, ambillah langkah pamungkas, yaitu dengan melaksanakan shalat dua rakaat. Insya Allah dengan shalat kita akan mampu meredakan amarah, sebagaimana disabdakan oleh Rasulullah Saw., “Ketahuilah, sesungguhnya marah itu bara api dalam hati manusia. Tidaklah engkau melihat merahnya kedua matanya dan tegangnya urat darah di lehernya? Maka barangsiapa yang mendapatkan hal itu (amarah), hendaklah ia bersujud (shalat)” (H.R. Tirmidzi).

Itulah lima jurus untuk mengendalikan amarah. Mudah-mudahan lima jurus tersebut dapat kita amalkan setiap kali kemarahan merasuki jiwa kita. Wallaahu a’lam.

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